Friday, March 14, 2008

Chemistry governs threshold of pain.

Question: How can it be that my husband can withstand pain after injuries and during sicknesses while I suffer horrible pain at the same type of problems.

Answer: We all have different pain thresholds. There are many different theories on why this occurs. Some researchers propose that we are born with different natural abilities to neutralize pain. Other researchers feel we develop our abilities to neutralize pain. Yet other researchers feel we develop our abilities to combat pain through our life experiences and exposures. A 2001 study led by Dr. Jon-Kar Zubiata offers insight into the way the human body dampens pain by producing and wielding natural chemicals such as endorphins and enkephalins.

The study demonstrated that the painful stimulus caused notable chemical activity in regions of the brain associated with sensation and emotion.

The experimental subjects demonstrated great individual variability in their responses to pain, though all had pain stimulus of similar intensity.

The differences in chemical activity among the subjects ..."may help explain why some people are more sensitive, or less sensitive, than others when it comes to painful sensations. We showed that people differ both in number of receptors that they have for these anti-pain chemicals, and their ability to release the anti-pain chemicals themselves."

In this study, both of these factors determine the emotional and sensory aspects of a painful experience.

These variations may explain why some people respond to pain medication and some don't. It may also explain why some people develop chronic pain conditions and others don't.

It is also important to add that the neurological signal for pain is in direct competition with the neurological signal for movement when they meet at the spinal cord. Most of us have been punched in the arm by a friend or sibling. The natural way to relieve this pain was by rubbing the area that was punched. All of us know that this somehow makes the pain go away. What most of us don't realize is that we are activating the motion sensors in the damaged tissue which in turn competes with the pain signals when they reach the spinal cord. This results in a net reduction of the pain signals that reach our brain.

Another interesting fact is that 70% of the motion sensors in our body are contained within the joints of the spine. Chiropractic adjustments activate motion sensors which cancel pain signals. It now becomes abundantly clear why chiropractic adjustments are so effective in reducing pain.

If you live in Clermont Florida and you are interested in chiropractic or chronic pain reduction, feel free to schedule a free consultation at my office by calling 352-241-4111.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

In Health Care, Value Extends Beyond Money

I, Peter Brockman, focus on the value my patients place in my services. Not in the monetary sense, but ethically. Many comments I have heard over the years are, “I have never been to a doctor who would sit and talk to me about my condition for so long” or “no one else has expended so much energy trying to figure out my problem.” I began to realize that people were more interested in our values as a company and less about the monetary exchange. As a result, at South Lake Wellness & Injury Center, we have dedicated ourselves to increasing that value.

In the office, I have invested in many things:
• VAX-D: The only FDA approved decompression table on the market. It has approximately 70% success rates and improvements in functional outcomes for patients suffering from disc related chronic low back pain. This is a scientifically validated device in our office, which costs about 1/10 of the price of surgery with more than double the success rate.
• MyoVision, range of motion/surface EMG: Every doctor must have a scientific way of measuring progress. A cardiologist can look at the changes in an EKG to see if his treatment plan is successful. Much in the same manner, we use our range of motion and surface EMG testing to determine if our treatment plan is successful. Not only are our patients able to feel better, they can scientifically see that they are getting better!
• Digital x-ray: This removes the old-fashioned wasteful process of developing large pieces of film. Additionally, if you would like a copy of your films. It’s as easy as putting the pictures on a compact disc.
• Digital records: Are you going on a long vacation? Do you have to see a specialist? Our records are digital; they can be printed immediately.
• Our staff: I have received many comments on the great staff in my office. Linda, Nicki, Sarah, and Sandy: Thank you for your hard work and dedication!

Outside of the office, I have dedicated myself to helping the public and those in my profession.
• I served as a lobbyist for the Florida Chiropractic Association to the Florida legislature. The main emphasis of this trip was to increase access to chiropractic and emergency medical services for those people involved in motor vehicle accidents. I was in Tallahassee educating the legislatures on public health ramifications of the removal of PIP insurance from automobile insurance policies.
• I am secretary of the Central Florida Chiropractic Society.
• I am the only chiropractor in Clermont to have received the advanced certification of competency in whiplash and brain traumatology from the Spine Research Institute of San Diego.

At South Lake Wellness & Injury Center, we are dedicated to helping you feel your very best. We strive to have our patients value us as much as we value them.